Polish football database

See also

main page.

Select date period:
From: To:

Select type competition(s):
League - 1st level (from 1999) League - 2nd level (from 2000) Poland Cup (from 1999) League Cup (from 1999) Supercup (from 1999) European Cups (from 2000)

Select what you want to see (you MUST select either of these radio buttons):


List of games in the supplied round

Club stats
Select name of the club:

Player stats
Enter name of the player:
Polish special characters should be supplied either in ISO-8859-2 format or with commas e.g. A, stands for Ą and z, stands for ż. Note: x, and X, stand resp. for ź and Ź.
If you don't know the exact name of a player you should try to check it entering his club stats.
If you don't enter correct special Polish characters you will not find the player you want.
E.g. "S,rutwa" and "Wis,niewski" will work while "Srutwa" and "Wisniewski" WILL NOT.
Note: Sometimes you MUST supply the name of the player followed by the first name e.g. "Zaja,c Marek" if there are two or more players with the same name.
Try also: Polish players database

List of games of club(s) full (with line-ups)
List of games of a club shortened (only results)

Streaks (game series)